Thursday, March 04, 1999

FORM 17 filed by Jatin jalundhwala dated 4th march 99 in respect of Core Heath care

Form 17 was filed with ROC dated 4th March 1999 by Jatin Jalundhwala on behalf of Core Healthcare which stated that Core health care gives notice that the registered charge beeing hypothecation of goods dated 27th november 1996 for USD 3.14 million (Rs equivalent 11.00 crores) in favour of Global Trust Bank Limited , G-2 Samedh, Nr. Associated Petrol Pump, C G Road , Ahmedabad -380 006 of which particulars were filed/registered with the Registra of Companies , Gujarat on 5th day of February 1997 is satisfied in full on 1st day of March March 1999 , the debts for which the charge was given has been paid or satisfied.

for Core Healthcare Ltd

Jatin R Jalundhwala,
General Manager (Secretarial and Legal)
Ahmedabad , dated this 4th day of March 1999.
